Exhibition methodology (narrative based, performance based, simulation based, immersive)


Narrative Based

Performance Based

Simulation Based


The building was designed to immerse a visitor in an environment where all the senses could be engaged. Throughout the building are a series of open spaces where musicians can play throughout the day sending music reverberating through the wooden structure. "Sound is used throughout the structure to create space. Sound fills the voids created by the timber piles and creates unique tonal experiences in every corner of the building. The Swiss Sound Box is a successful pavilion that uses the natural qualities of the wood, sounds, and open nature of the building to create a unique atmospheric quality throughout the building. These experience successfully immerse visitors in some of the true essences of “Swissness” creating a sense of discovery for the visitor while highlighting the ways all our various senses coalesce to create our impression of architectural atmosphere" (venustas design llc, 2014).

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