Idea Generation


All Islands are world heritage sites

Making the entire exhibition about the native birds?

Introduced animals?

The Auckland, Campbell, and Antipodes Island groups are all volcanic in origin. Auckland and Campbell Islands are based on old shield volcanoes, with granite, greywacke, and schist basement rock exposed in many areas. The Bounty Islands are entirely composed of granite basement rocks. Macquarie Island is geologically distinct and lies on the Indo-Australian and Pacific Plate boundary. It is the exposed crest of the oceanic plate, formed at a spreading ridge. Its geological features are the basis for its World Heritage Site listing, because it is the best preserved example of oceanic crust formed in deep water and since exposed above sea level. Volcanic rocks comprise 80 percent of the Island, with excellent examples of pillow lavas and other extrusive rocks (WCMC 1997).

Only focus on one island?

These islands have a long history of isolation from each other and from other landmasses. This isolation, combined with the harsh climate, and a relative lack of human modification, has resulted in the evolution of biota of significant scientific interest. While species richness is relatively low, reflecting the high latitude, there are several notable features of the islands’ flora. These include species at the limit of their ecological tolerance (eg. tree ferns - Cyathea smithii is the southernmost tree fern in the world) and a high number of endemics. Many plant species found at or near sea level in this region are also found in New Zealand in sub-alpine vegetation sequences. In general, the islands’ flora is transitional between the temperate New Zealand flora and the circumpolar, less diverse Subantarctic flora. The islands in this ecoregion, excluding the nearly barren Bounty Island, comprise a Centre of Plant Diversity (Given and Hnatiuk 1995). The terrestrial flora contains about 260 taxa, of which 35 are endemic to the region.

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